Five Ways to Court Your Artistic Self

Taking care of yourself first is not a new idea, by any means. Even the airlines have it down – put the mask on yourself before assisting others in case of emergency. Let’s face it – life right now is a kind of an emergency. The word pandemic has been a part of daily conversation for a year. We have had political dividedness for a number of years, but it has been taken to some new levels in the past year. If your inner artist has decided to shut down and watch Netflix – I get it.

But here is another option. Take your inner artist out for some inspiration. In her book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron suggests taking yourself out on Artist Dates – once a week. All by yourself.

I know. You’re already shaking your head thinking I can’t do that. I have a job/husband/kids/a parent who needs me, etc.

If that is your first thought, you probably are a person who could benefit from the Artist Date. You know I’m right.

Here are some ideas to create some time – go on a lunch break. Get out of the house before everyone else is up and let the kids wake your spouse. Trade days with your spouse – you have some free time on Saturday; he has some on Sunday. Ask your parents to have a playdate with your kids. Ask your adult children to help their grandparents and give you a free day. Or morning. Whatever time you can get.

Now that you have time, what should you do? Try these ideas to get the creative juices flowing again.

  1.  Go Outside – Being out in Nature is good for creativity. I like to be outside – kayaking in the summer, snowshoeing in the Winter. I like to hike and bring my camera along. And my notebook and a snack.
  2. Go to a Shop You Have Never Been to Before – Generally, I don’t advocate spending money as a creativity source. But I like to go into stores for inspiration. If I see something I like, I think about how I could create that for myself. I think about displays and what I like about them. Go into a store solely looking for inspiration and with the intention of not buying anything.
  3. Go to a Bookstore – Check out a bookstore. Go into sections you usually don’t go into. Make a list of books you might like to read. Try something new at the café.
  4. Visit the Library – Unlike the bookstore you can take home all the books without buying anything. This is a great opportunity to read and learn about things that are out of your comfort zone.
  5. Watch a Documentary – or a romance or a mystery. Try something you don’t usually watch. Make a playlist of different movies you want to see, so when you have some free time you can get a snack and enjoy.