I’m Ready for Spring

I’m ready for Spring. I want to feel warm sunshine. But I live in a place that won’t see Spring for 1 ½ to 2 months, and my budget isn’t ready for a trip somewhere warm. So here is what I’m going to do to embrace Winter and survive.

  1. I will start Spring cleaning. I can declutter and get rid of things. I will keep what is useful and beautiful and let the rest go. I will spend some 20 minutes a day cleaning out clutter.
  2. I will walk in the Winter. I will grab my camera and my dog and take some pictures. I will get fresh air and enjoy nature. Fresh air makes everything better.
  3. I will find a good book and some snacks and treat myself to some reading in front of our fireplace. That one is going on the calendar.
  4. I will make a fort with some kids. We will have some snacks, read some books and play a board game inside.
  5. I will make breakfast for dinner. I love breakfast for dinner. It’s fun making pancakes in the evening. Kids love it too. And if I really don’t want to cook, a bowl of cereal is a tasty and easy way to end the day. 
  6. I will, while spring cleaning, find some creative projects and pull them out when I have some time.

Okay. This list will get me through a couple of weeks – hopefully all the way to spring break. Of course, we sometimes get snow in May….