Mind Monkey and COVID 19

The Coronavirus is playing with my mind. I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt warm and woozy and icky. I knew I was sick.

I imagined how I was going to get through this. Was my daughter going to have to take care of me? My husband went to bed not feeling well either. We were both sick. How would she manage taking care of both of her parents? Maybe our son would have to come and help her – but he is able to work from home. And then we would be exposing him. How would we make this work? After flopping around in my bed a couple dozen times, I thankfully fell back asleep.

When I woke again it was light. I remembered how I felt 4 hours ago. Now I was cold. I got up, put my robe on and started my coffee. My neck hurt – probably from yesterday’s weight workout. I realized I was okay. I got some ibuprofen for sore muscles and pulled out a neck warmer I rarely used and put it in the microwave to heat up. As I waited, I gave thanks that my concerns/panic was just a manifestation of my mind and said a prayer for those who are actually living that nightmare,

The mind is a funny thing. I had taken some feelings of warmth – probably a hot flash – and muscle discomfort and turned it into a diagnosis. Thank goodness for the light of day. Thank goodness for a few deep breaths, icy hot and stretches for my neck.

Thanks for the grace to understand this is just something the mind can do during times of stress. Thanks for the ability to step back from my crazy mind monkey thoughts and observe them and just think – hmmmm…..the mind is interesting and let it all go.

Thanks for the grace to know how lucky I am to have this day ahead of me.