Take a Leap of Faith and Plant a Sapling!

I watched my neighbor plant 6 small pine trees on the other side of the fence that separates our yards. They were so small – 2 feet tops. I shook my head – I couldn’t believe she was doing that. She invested time and small chunk of change in pine trees that she was never going to enjoy. They were so small. It would take decades for any of those trees to provide privacy.

I was wrong. In less than 10 years those trees are at least 7-15 feet tall. They are almost so big that they are close to touching. 

Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith and plant the small sapling. 

I’ve decided this year I will plant more saplings. I will invest my time in helping my saplings grow and keeping them healthy. I will water them. I will trim them back and go a different direction if needed. I will try new things and be proactive with my time and attention. I’m going to think about improving what I spend my time on a little bit every day. Because I learned from those pine trees that small changes over time can add up to a privacy providing tree.

And if I need any inspiration – all I have to do is look outside.